Goals of the KAMEDA SEIKA Group

Medium-term Business Plan

Expanding a business field and becoming a “Global Food Company”:This is a major goal of KAMEDA SEIKA Group. As we strive to achieve this objective,we will offer to our customers the values, ”Contribution to a healthy lifestyle through the selection,eating and enjoyment of things that are delicious and good for the body. “Our target for FY2030 is that by providing this kind of customer value,we will evolve from a “rice cracker and snack manufacturer” to a “‘Better For You’ food company.”

We aim to achieve our vision of becoming a unique global company based on our three pillars:our domestic rice cracker business, which aims to be the overwhelming market leader; our overseas business,which is set for dramatic growth in the US.;and our food business,which aim to expand in the area of plant-based foods. We will continue to implement structural reforms with a medium-to-long-term focus,and accelerate our efforts to achieve sustained growth and to enhance our corporate value.

Goals of the KAMEDA SEIKA Group: “Global Food Company”

Revolutionary Change of Customer Value
From a “Rice Snacks and Crackers Manufacturer” to a “‘Better For You’ Food Company”

Better For You KAMEDA Better For You KAMEDA

Direction of Medium-Term Business Strategy

Direction of Medium-Term Business Strategy

Business Concept: “Changing gears 2023” (FY2018-2023)

Medium-term Business Target

Consolidated net sales Operating income Operating margin EBITDA
FY2020 Plan JPY 106bn JPY 6bn 5.7% JPY 11.1bn
FY2023 Plan JPY 115bn JPY 8bn 7.0% JPY 13.9bn
FY2023 Growth Potential *3 JPY 140bn JPY 8bn 5.7% JPY 19.2bn
  • *3Growth potential is planned by building up possible future projects such as the expansion of US business and execution of M&A
Business concept